Hadoop Architecture

Posted at  08:56  |  in  HDFS

There are 5 different daemons in Hadoop Architecture. Daemons mean the processes which are running in background.

  • Name Node
  • Secondary Name Node
  • Data Node
  • Job Tracker
  • Task Tracker

Name Node: This Node plays an important and major role in HDFS Cluster. Before knowing about this node, let us first know about the different distribution mechanisms which can be used in Hadoop.

  • CDH (Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop)
  • Map R
  • Horton Works

Currently we are using CDH in our realtime projects; the drawback in CDH is SPOF (Single Point Of Failure). In CDH mechanism at any point of time there will be only one Name Node in the cluster.

The Name Node stores only the Metadata. That means it stores only the physical location of the data. The processing in the data nodes will be done based on the instruction of Name Node.

Secondary Name Node: This Node is never referred a direct backup to the Name Node. It is just responsible for housekeeping activities. It copies the files like “FSImage” and “EditLog” from Name Node. These two files contain the information regarding Metadata. Once if the Name node is down Secondary Name Node comes into picture. This just maintains the cluster until the Name Node is recovered. To know more about Secondary Name node have a look at Namenode, Secondary Namenode and Datanodes.

Data Node: These Nodes stores the actual blocks of data. There is no limit for the number of Data Nodes in the cluster. Atleast a cluster should have one data node. There is no particular fixed configuration for the Data Node. To know more about Datanode have a look at Namenode, Secondary Namenode and Datanodes.

Job Tracker: This is meant for assigning and scheduling tasks.

Task Tracker: This is meant for executing task assigned by Job Tracker. Communication between Job Tracker and Task Tracker is done by using Map Reduce jobs. 

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